Monday 15 December 2014

Are you sick of being left behind in the new year as your competitors race on forward?

Hi, Helen Cowley here! 

Are you one of those people who are often left behind while other competitors are racing forward in the new year because they were proactive (unlike you)? I have the solution for you! I am holding a "Plan Your Best Year Yet" retreat on the 16th of January for $195 (catering and resources included) for you late bloomers! 

The day is going to focus on a few areas, here is a quick rundown of each of them. 


1. It helps you learn from your mistakes. If we don’t reflect on our mistakes, we are doomed to repeat them. And that’s not very smart. However, if we reflect on those mistakes, figure out what went wrong, see how we can prevent them in the future, we can use our mistakes to get better. Mistakes, then, are a valuable learning tool, instead of something to feel embarrassed or upset about. Reflection is an important way to do that.
2. It gives you great ideas. I reflect on things that I’m doing or that are going on in my life. If things aren’t going well, I learn stuff I can share with others. If I reflect on something that’s a success for me, I think about how I got that success, and share that too. I’ve had hundreds of great ideas this year from reflection.
3. It helps you help others. I began the year with the hope that some of the things I’ve learned in the past couple years can help others and I’m ending the year with the profound realization of how such simple little tips can change people’s businesses.
4. It makes you happier. If you reflect on the things you did right, on your successes, that allows you to celebrate every little success. It allows you to realize how much you’ve done right, the good things you’ve done in your life. Without reflection, it’s too easy to forget these things, and focus instead on our failures.
5. It gives you perspective. Often we are caught up in the troubles or busy-ness of our daily lives. A mistake or a high-pressure project or something like that can seem like it means all the world. It can overwhelm us sometimes. But if we take a minute to step back, and reflect on these problems, and how in the grand scheme of things they don’t mean all that much, it can calm us down and lower our stress levels. We gain perspective, and that’s a good thing.


Reviewing means to assess something and implement change if need be. Reviewing and reflecting tie in together, but both have their important role. For the new year, we need to review the previous year to be able to see our strengths and weaknesses, highs and lows, our opportunities that we took or missed to enable us to use them to our benefit in the new year. 


The silly season is upon us and I am sure I don't need to tell you what that means. When it comes to the beginning of the new year we need to sit and refocus ourselves to our dreams and aspirations in our business, which is why this refocus element is an important part in the retreat that I am holding. 

Without refocusing ourselves, we can't do our best. We need to do our best to make the business succeed, it's simple.

So yes! 

These are the three key areas of the retreat. I would highly recommend coming along because my passion in life is helping others with their business, and this is truly a thing that you will need to succeed in your business for 2015. 

Throughout the day their will be activities both in groups or singularly, as well as videos, one-on-one talking with me a professional business coach and the opportunity to make new friends and business referrals. This day will be filled with lots of information, but that definitely does not mean it will be boring. It will be a fun-filled day to work on your business! 

So, if you are passionate and focused about creating your success and reaching your aspirations and dreams come along to the "Plan Your Best Year Yet" retreat on January the 16th for $195. Go to our  "Plan Your Best Year Yet" Event on FaceBook to find out more information or to get direct contact to myself. 

Hope to see you soon! 

The "Plan Your Best Year Yet" retreat banner